Sunday, April 14, 2024

April 12/24

 If possible could you please return the solar eclipse project that your child made last Monday.  I wanted them to share them with you and explain what they learned but we are making a bulletin board and also want to keep them for their memory books.  If possible please send back asap.

Please also note:  Your child has homework in their Poetry Book. Please have them read over the poem, discuss and answer the question.   

This week we did the Northwest Territories 'the land of the midnight sky!', learning about the aurora borealis, how the winters are dark and cold but in the summer there is a day when the sun does not set! 

During Explorations the students are creating a CP railway using Canadian animals and trees for a realistic Canadian landscape!

Memory book fee is on the parent portal, please pay online or send in cash in a labelled ziplock.  Thanks!                    Also please be practising their Reader's Workshop books (the ones with the post-its) as we will be starting presentations soon.  We also will be chaning our book bags this week.  The students will be getting a 'Mystery Bag!' which will include a variety of books!

Save the date - May 10th Div 12 and 13 are planning a wind-up for our Canada Unit.  Parents are invited to join us in the gym at 8:30 - 9:30 (instead of family reading).  More information to follow closer to the date but if anyone is able to make rectangle sugar cookies for the day please let me know. We would be decorating them that morning.

Our field trip to Garibaldi Secondary was a success.  The students seemed to really enjoy the drama activities, preparing their pizzas, smoothies and decorating cookies.  Thank you to the parents that joined us, your support is needed and very appreciated. 


Division 13 in action!

"Andy's coming!"

Chef Brent was the best! 
We washed our hands before and after each station!

Most added lots of cheese!

Everyone helped!

Thumbs up - must mean it tastes good!

Cheers!  The smoothies were very tasty!

This oven cost $70,000!

The freezer was cold!

Pizza was yummy!

I had hoped that Div. 13 could maybe go to the musical production that Garibaldi is presenting in May but unfortunately the matinee starts at 2:00 below though is the show information for any families that might want to attend, just scan the QR code to get tickets.  If this doesn't work please let me know and I'll send you a copy.

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June 27/24

 I hope you take the time to go through your child's memory book, it was fun listening to them as they went through their binders rememb...