Sunday, October 29, 2023

October 27/23

Div. 13's Identity Projects 

Our Halloween Celebration will be on Tuesday Oct. 31st in the afternoon.   Students are welcome/encouraged to come in costume on Halloween but please remember costumes should be appropriate easy to take off and on, as they will be going outside for recess/lunch and we wouldn't want them to be ruined for trick or treating.  Thanks to these families for providing our snacks and goodies.  Fruit Plate - August, Veggie Tray - Sean, Special Treat - Gavin, Chips/Popcorn etc. - Olivia, and Other - Aneka                                             

November is Family Literacy month.  On Oct. 30th you will be receiving information and a calendar for Fairview's  Club RED (Read Every Day!) Please read thoroughly and keep your child's reading calendar in a visual place like the fridge or in their planner so you can record their daily reading.  Our goal is that every student in Div 13 become a Club RED member!

Art Cards by Thursday, November 2nd  ***Please remember to return even if you do not want to purchase, they will be added to a bulletin board and also for their memory books. 

Division 13 loves Explorations...

                                                                       Future Architects! 

Current Acrobats!

Upcoming Events:

Oct. 31/23 - Halloween 

November 1st - Wind Down Wednesday -  (Wear Pj's and bring a stuffy and a favourite book)

November 2nd - Art Cards Due

Friday, November 24th  - Fort Langley museum field trip    This will be on the portal by the end of the week.  

Tuesday, Dec. 12th - Skating 12:30 pm

Saturday, October 21, 2023

Oct. 21/23

Div. 13 had a great time skating.  All the students did so well and were very proud of themselves. Thanks so much to all the parents who drove and helped with skates.  Your support was very appreciated.  All parents who do help out on these field trips and in the classroom should fill out the school's volunteer forms so we can keep them on file.   Speaking of volunteers if you are available on Monday, Oct. 30th at 10:45 to help with some pumpkin math and craving please let me know, ideally if I could get 3 volunteers that would be great.   

Our Identity Day was a big success!  Thanks again to all the parents and grandparents who were able to join us.  The class was excited to show their amazing #1 Canadian posters.  

October Celebration will be on Halloween Day; Tuesday Oct. 31st in the afternoon.   Thanks to these families for providing our snacks and goodies.  Fruit Plate - August, Veggie Tray - Sean, Special Treat - Gavin, Chips/Popcorn etc. - Olivia, and Other - Aneka                                             Students are welcome to come in costume on Halloween but please remember costumes should appropriate and be easy to take off and on as they will be going outside for recess and lunch, we wouldn't want them to be ruined for trick or treating.  

 November is Family Literacy month.  On Oct. 30th you will be receiving information our Fairview's  Club RED (Read Every Day!).

Speaking of literacy and books, Div. 13 loved doing our Bat Book Walk!  Ask your child about this...

Saturday, October 14, 2023

Friday the 13th!!

Next week in Div. 13 will be another busy week.  Please note these dates...

Library on Monday instead of Tuesday this week; please return any library books on Monday morning.

Tuesday is our Skating field trip!  Students must be signed up on the parent portal, bring BOOSTERS and MONEY on Monday if they are renting skates or helmets. Thanks to the parents who have volunteered to drive; Gavin, Olivia, Aurora, Massimo, and August plus those parents who are just driving their own child.  Please be sure to tell me if you are planning to join us (to drive just your child) because while planning the trip I need to know organize drivers for the whole class. Students that do not have their booster seat, will not be able to attend the skating field trip.  Children are to use booster seats that they bring home, due to legal issues we cannot use any extra booster seats that may be in our volunteer driver’s vehicles.   Booster InformationChild car seats (

Tuesday is the Intermediate Cross Country Race and Wednesday is the Primary Race.

#1 CANADIAN POSTERS DUE asap (ideally Monday or Tuesday) as our IDENTITY DAY is on  Thursday.  In the morning we will be visiting other classrooms to see their projects and then in the afternoon parents are invited to come into our classroom to see Div. 13's posters from 1:45-2:15.       Please remember to have your child's first and last name on the poster and include photos, or even drawn pictures of family, when they were younger, sports/hobbies, pets, heritage/cultural background (for example if your dad was from Italy you might draw an Italian flag), favourite foods (eg) maybe a pic of pasta).  The students that have already brought theirs in are all so different but all great!   Please talk to your child also about what they will say about their pictures and themself.  

Friday is the Provincial Pro D day so no school for students.

Did you know that Oct. 8 - Oct. 14th is Fire Safety week?  We have read a couple books, watch a video, learning and discussing about what we should do in case of a fire. We have already had several fire drills at school including one today.  We talked about the importance of knowing their home address and to have a family meeting spot.  For homework this week I've asked the students to learn their addresses and read over and discuss The Dragon's Fire-Safety Rhyme in their poetry duo tang.  Fire safety is something that can never be reviewed enough.   I had this already to go yesterday but didn't get a chance to post til this morning after walking my dog near the devastating school fire in Port Coquitlam.  This reinforces fire safety and being so grateful for Fairview.  

Saturday, October 7, 2023

October 6th

 It was a short but busy week.  The students of Div. 13 continued to do an excellent job of doing the announcements for the Friends in Need Food Bank.  Look at all the food (stacked in the red containers behind) that Fairview collected. 

Div. 3 & 13!

Scholastic Book order forms went home on Thursday. If you are interested in ordering please use our class code on the front of the order form, that way our class benefits from some free books.  These books will be delivered directly to your homes. A huge thank you to Massimo's mom for organizing all of these.  

All the children were excited to bring home their turkey puppets which included several things that they were thankful for.  Gratitude Scavenger hunts also went home in your child's poetry duo tang this weekend.  Please take the time if possible to do this with your child.   We have a class 'GRATITUDE' pumpkin which we are writing down everything that we are thankful for!  We hope to have it covered by the end of October.  

Hopefully you are all starting to work on your child's #1 Canadians posters.  These need to be returned by Oct. 16-18th. 

Don't forget to sign up on the portal for our skating field trip on Tuesday, Oct. 17th and if your child is renting skates and a helmet please send the money in a labelled ziplock bag, including your child's skate size.  

Upcoming Dates:

Monday, Oct. 9th - Thanksgiving (Holiday) 

Friday, Oct. 13th - Hot Lunch - pizza

Oct. 16/18 - #1 Canadian posters are due so that we have them for Thursday.  

Tuesday, Oct. 17th - Skating 12:30pm ***Please sign up on the portal

Wednesday, Oct. 18th - Primary Cross Country Race

Thursday, Oct. 19th - Identity Day 

Friday, Oct. 20th - Provincial Pro D Day - no school for students

Tuesday, Oct. 31st - Halloween Parade and Class Celebration 

Friday, Nov. 24th am - Fort Langley Museum 

Tuesday, Dec. 12th - Skating 12:30 pm

Sunday, October 1, 2023

October 1!

Div. 13's  Stained Glass Name Art!

Div. 13 is doing a fantastic job of promoting the Friends in Need Food Bank!  Thank you to everyone who has already sent in non-perishable items.  This food drive ends on Friday and Fairview is really making a big difference for those in need.  

I am currently coaching volleyball and cross country so if you are running late to pick up after school I will have taken your child to the office so that I can get to practices/games and races.  

We are great at building!
We made houses and a car!

Upcoming Dates:

***Calendar now shows on pages at the top part of this website!

Monday, Oct. 2nd - Truth and Reconciliation Day (Holiday)

Tuesday, Oct. 3rd - NID (no school for students)

Monday, Oct. 9th - Thanksgiving (Holiday) 

Friday, Oct. 13th - Hot Lunch - pizza

Oct. 16/18 - #1 Canadian posters are due so that we have them for Thursday.  

Tuesday, Oct. 17th - Skating 12:30pm ***permission will be on the portal soon

Wednesday, Oct. 18th - Primary Cross Country Race

Thursday, Oct. 19th - Identity Day 

Friday, Oct. 20th - Provincial Pro D Day - no school for students

Tuesday, Oct. 31st - Halloween Parade and Class Celebration 

Friday, Nov. 24th am - Fort Langley Museum 

Tuesday, Dec. 12th - Skating 12:30 pm

June 27/24

 I hope you take the time to go through your child's memory book, it was fun listening to them as they went through their binders rememb...