Div, 13 Scientists have continued to be inspiring! We've had some very interesting experiments... Savannah made an electromagnetic motor (she made a pokemon card spin), Cai, Gavin, Addison, Easton, Juel and Aneka all demonstrated different chemical reactions (oobleck, elephant toothpaste, lemon/baking soda, volcano eruption, Mentos and Coke plus dancing raisins). Massimo showed us how magnets can even work through glass and water, how they can clean the ocean floor. Kian made a tornado with two large pop bottles.
Happy Father's Day to all you special dads out there. Your children were all very excited and worked hard on your special cards.
POETRY BOOKS came home on Thursday and can stay home. We will also no longer be taking books home each day, however if your child is in the middle of a chapter book they are welcome to keep it until it is finished. Mystery bags will be collected on Tuesday as well as any other book bag books. Please check your houses for any classroom books that didn't make their way back to school. Every year I seem to get books from families that they've found under the couch, behind a bed etc. Thanks for your help restoring my library!
Parent Volunteers: If anyone is able to take home a bin or two of manipulative to wash that would be very appreciated. Please email me. Thanks so much, I always try to wash every bin of building and math objects at the end of the year and this is a huge job. This year end has come up so quickly I meant to send this out earlier.
It sad and hard to believe we only have one full week of school left!
Last Upcoming Dates:
Tuesday, June 18 - Teddy Bear Picnic (year end celebration thank to these families for providing snacks... Fruit Plate - Savannah, Veggie Tray - Deighton, Special Treat - Cai, Chips/Popcorn etc. - Addison, Anything - Mary). Hopefully the weather will be nice. ***Students can bring teddy bears and blankets.
Friday, June 21 - Fun/Sports Day (Thanks to our amazing PAC - parents they are looking for volunteers) Colours: RED: Cai, Aneka, Aurora, Rhett, Wyatt, Addison, Savannah. GREEN: Mila, Olivia, Blake, Gavin, Massimo, August. BLUE: Mary, Easton, Juel, Deighton, Vienna, Kian
Monday, June 24 - Students will be bringing home all of their school supplies, please send an extra bag.
Tuesday, June 25 - Last Day of school for students - Early Dismissal 12:00. Students will be bringing their memory books home. Please let me know if your child will not be at school on Monday or Tuesday so I can make sure they get all their belongings.
BELCARRA FIELD TRIP - Thanks to all the parents who drove and helped out on our field trip. Everyone seemed to enjoy all of the different stations!
Please note: All Primary Students next year do not need to buy SCHOOL SUPPLIES. Instead, just make a payment once you meet your new teacher. Grade 4's however will need to purchase on their own supplies.