Saturday, April 27, 2024

April 27/24

At our assembly on Thursday it was exciting to learn about Vaisakhi that is celebrated in our community and to see a performance of a 'bhangra dance'.  These students did an amazing job!  

  Scientist of the Week information went home on Wednesday.  It is two sheets (one green with information and dates, one white that should be completed and brought to school on their scientist day with all the materials to do their science experiment).   If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask or email me.  Once the projects start they'll have a better understanding.  Even if your child has chosen something that another student does, please don't worry as it is science and they might not turn out exactly the same or it is good to review the concepts.

The students in Div 13 would like to present at an assembly so could you please practise the following songs that are in their Poetry Books, O' Canada, Canada (tune of Jingle Bells) and Canada in my Pocket and they may also want to practise the Canadian version of the Twelve Days of Christmas!  Thanks for your support!

Volunteers Needed: If anyone is able to make Div. 13 some play dough (red if possible but not necessary) and rectangular sugar cookies for our celebration on May 10 that would be very appreciated. Please email me if you are able to help out.  

Upcoming Dates:

* Cross Country practises start next Tuesday - I am coaching so if you are late picking up on Tuesday and Thursday your child will be at the office 

* May 1 - Body Science

* May 3 - Freezie Treat Day - 2:20 outside the school - $2.00

* May 6 - Class Photos

* May 15 Non-Instructional Day

* May 20 - Victoria Day (holiday - no school) 

Saturday, April 20, 2024

April 19/24

 I can't believe it's already half way through April!  Div. 13 has been busy.  We finished our last territory so are getting close to the end of our Canada unit.  Just a reminder to any parents that can join us on Friday, May 10 8:30 - 9:30 we'll be doing a windup for this special theme.

Monday, April 22 is Earth Day and Fairview is very lucky to have a special Ocean Dome and presentation in the gym.  Our class will be attending at 8:30 so please try to be on time as it looks like it is going to be very cool and interesting.  

We started our new Mystery Bags on Wednesday!  These are in their book bags.  Please ensure that all 5 books get put back into both the ziplock and then their book bag.  Also our Reader's Workshop presentations will be next week for most groups (two groups did present today), please practise these this weekend.

Div. 5 and the rest of Fairview are collecting items for the SPCA.  These types of items are needed: beds, blankets, toys, cat litter, dry and wet food for dogs and treats.  Donations are accepted until April 26th.

Sunday, April 14, 2024

April 12/24

 If possible could you please return the solar eclipse project that your child made last Monday.  I wanted them to share them with you and explain what they learned but we are making a bulletin board and also want to keep them for their memory books.  If possible please send back asap.

Please also note:  Your child has homework in their Poetry Book. Please have them read over the poem, discuss and answer the question.   

This week we did the Northwest Territories 'the land of the midnight sky!', learning about the aurora borealis, how the winters are dark and cold but in the summer there is a day when the sun does not set! 

During Explorations the students are creating a CP railway using Canadian animals and trees for a realistic Canadian landscape!

Memory book fee is on the parent portal, please pay online or send in cash in a labelled ziplock.  Thanks!                    Also please be practising their Reader's Workshop books (the ones with the post-its) as we will be starting presentations soon.  We also will be chaning our book bags this week.  The students will be getting a 'Mystery Bag!' which will include a variety of books!

Save the date - May 10th Div 12 and 13 are planning a wind-up for our Canada Unit.  Parents are invited to join us in the gym at 8:30 - 9:30 (instead of family reading).  More information to follow closer to the date but if anyone is able to make rectangle sugar cookies for the day please let me know. We would be decorating them that morning.

Our field trip to Garibaldi Secondary was a success.  The students seemed to really enjoy the drama activities, preparing their pizzas, smoothies and decorating cookies.  Thank you to the parents that joined us, your support is needed and very appreciated. 


Division 13 in action!

"Andy's coming!"

Chef Brent was the best! 
We washed our hands before and after each station!

Most added lots of cheese!

Everyone helped!

Thumbs up - must mean it tastes good!

Cheers!  The smoothies were very tasty!

This oven cost $70,000!

The freezer was cold!

Pizza was yummy!

I had hoped that Div. 13 could maybe go to the musical production that Garibaldi is presenting in May but unfortunately the matinee starts at 2:00 below though is the show information for any families that might want to attend, just scan the QR code to get tickets.  If this doesn't work please let me know and I'll send you a copy.

Sunday, April 7, 2024

April 5/24

Welcome to our third term.  It's so hard to believe it is already April.  Report cards were sent home on Wednesday, this is your copy to keep. 

We have continued to work on our Canada unit, we finished up Newfoundland Labrador in the east and now have headed north and learned about the Yukon.   

Div. 13 sent a birthday card to Sean who moved to the island in the fall.  He is doing well and was very excited to get our card with all his old classmates names! 

Field trip on Wednesday, April 10th.  If you are paying cash please send in the $5 on Monday.  Please remember we will be arriving back to the school late, around 2:30 so please make the proper accommodations to notify daycares, have your child picked up or for other siblings for those of you that are driving.    Thanks to the following parents for volunteering to drive, Cai, Gavin,  Aneka, Massimo, Easton, Rhett, August, and Olivia; (because we have lots of drivers if you'd rather not drive please let me know asap so I can make all the arrangements).  

Please sign up on the parent portal for Div. 13's memory books.  The cost is $10 which can be paid online or can be sent in a labelled ziplock bag.  

Also important information from the PAC :

Next Treat Day is Friday April 19th, it is TCBY Frozen Yogurt and ordering is live now on Munchalunch (there are honestly sooo many cool flavours this time as well!). 3oz cups are $3.50 and 6oz cups are $5.00. Ordering closes on April 13th. 

Saturday, March 16, 2024

March 15/24

 It was great to meet with you this week to celebrate your child's learning and set goals for this last term.  

Div. 13 was very engaged, creative and productive building their leprechaun traps!  Thanks for sending in such great supplies.  I was so impressed with their problem solving and their final products! These are some pictures of our assembly process.  The students also did an excellent job explaining how their traps would work.  I'll be anxious to hear if any are successful catching one of those sneaky leprechauns!

Our field trip on April 10th to Garibaldi Secondary 'Yes Chef' is now on the portal please sign up, we do need parent drivers and the cost is $5.00.   


Saturday, March 9, 2024

March 8/24

If anyone is able to make some play dough for the class that would be great.  We need both some green and some red for some upcoming projects.  If so please email me, thank you!

One week til spring break but Div. 13 will still be busy...

Please practise your child's Reader's Workshop books as we will be presenting the next few days. Thanks for your support with these.

I changed my mind and we will be doing Spelling.  Lesson 6 is a review of all the vowels, with double the number of words so we will do it over two weeks.   Your child will only be copying 1/2 the words this week, the rest once they are back, and will not bring their duotangs home to finish until the first Wednesday in April and their quiz will be on Friday, April 5.  This is a good opportunity to master all the short vowels.  Check out the Spelling City link on the side of this website for more practise.  

Conferences are this Wednesday afternoon (early dismissal at 11:30) and Thursday all day.  Please sign up on the parent portal.                                  The conference will be a 30-minute commitmentyou should ARRIVE  for the time slot you signed up for (1st 15 minutes with your child in the hall to celebrate and go through their work and then up to 15 minutes with me and your child to discuss their report card and set goals for our next term).  I am hoping to meet in person, If you are not able to do this please email so we can set up a different time as I really hope to meet with all of you to celebrate your  child's learning.

Friday, March 15th - Wear Green in honour of St. Patrick's Day on Sunday. We will be building leprechaun traps so have your child think of materials they want to include and bring them in on Friday. We will be brainstorm ideas and making some plans earlier in the week.   I already have toilet paper rolls.  

Saturday, March 2, 2024

March 1/24

Div. 13 conferences are posted, you should have received an email from the Parent Portal. March 13 & 14th are our conference days. Once again, the conference will be a 30-minute commitmentyou should ARRIVE  for the time slot you signed up for (1st 15 minutes with your child in the hall to celebrate and go through their work and then up to 15 minutes with me and your child to discuss their report card and set goals for our next term).  I am hoping to meet in person, If you are not able to do this please email so we can set up a different time as I really hope to meet with all of you to celebrate your  child's learning.

100 Day was fun, we did a lot of math discussing all the different ways to make 100, lots of addition, multiplication, and money.  Thanks for your help for the 100 items to be worn, we had a wide variety from fruit loops, stickers on t-shirt and hats, and rainbow loom necklaces, bracelets!  This week we finished our moose art projects, our 100 Day art, writing and focused on the importance of kindness. We discussed why this is a leap year, how many days in a year, explaining fractions 1/2 and 1/4 and the earth's orbit around the sun,  please ask/review at this at home. 

Thanks to Mila for bringing in a hummingbird nest, it was so cool to see! A life time opportunity!

Two weeks until spring break... 

Great Canadian projects will continue.  Your children continue to amaze me, they really are special Canadians!

We will continue to do work on our Canada unit and in math we continue to focus on place value, addition with/without regrouping and review of basic +/- facts, and money.  

April 27/24

At our assembly on Thursday it was exciting to learn about Vaisakhi that is celebrated in our community and to see a performance of a 'b...